
Erstellung von kundenspezifischen Lasershow und Laseranimationen.
Lasershows für Messeauftritte und Produktpräsentationen.
Ausarbeitung komplexer Grafik Laseranimation nach vorgegebenem Storyboard.
Unterstützung der weltweit eingesetzten Software Platformen wie Pangolin LD2000, Phoenix-Showcontroller, Medialas Mamba, ILDA format

With more than 10 years of experience in light - and lasershow design we are the right partner for creating and implementing the highlight of your event or product presentation.

Specialized in designing and programming of laser animation and laser show productions on the world leading software platforms, our shows have been honoured with the worldwide most demanded “ILDA award” - the so called OSCAR of lasershow business and also numerous other international awards.

In close cooperation with the leading manufacturers of laser show equipment and laser show software as well as numerous executing companies of the event business, laser animations, complex lasershows and multimedia shows of all dimensions and power levels could be realized.

The medium laser thus offers design freedoms that can not be reached by any other projection medium. On one hand it is the breathtaking three-dimensional depth of effects during an atmospheric beamshow on the other hand it is the almost unlimited depth of field and brilliance of laser grafics and laser animations. Even a complete elaborated laser graphic show based on your story board can be projected on almost every thinkable surface. Don´t hesitate to ask for more informations. 




Beamshow, laser, Laseranimation, Lasershow, Showlaser

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